When some people you just term as “bloggers”
The official definition of a blog or weblog (according to the Oxford Dictionary of Slang) is "an internet website containing an eclectic and frequently updated assortment of items of interest to its author". A blogger is, therefore, someone who keeps a weblog of this sort.
Wendy, however, disagrees. And after being quoted out of context by The New Paper, she is determined to give her own definition of the term "blogger":
"And what is with this bullshit about "she has a blog and thus she is a blogger"?
ARE YOU STUPID OR WHAT? YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW PEOPLE WHO HAVE BLOGS ARE BLOGGERS? Stop quoting my panasonic entry about me saying she is a blogger, asswipe, like you are so clever. Are you ugly? You must be. Now my blog entries feel disgustingly raped by your rampant perusal.
Everyone who blogs is a blogger? If you are so clever, then answer me... But first tell me your name. Is it Lumpy? So Lumpy, if you can manage to swim half a lap without dying, is it right for me to call you "Lumpy the swimmer"?
No, because calling you Lumpy the Guy-Who-Fucked-His-Cabbage-Patch-Kid-Doll would be a little more appropriate as a the defining title for you...
Lumpy, of course, since you are so mediocre (by mediocre I mean scum of society), if you blog, I suppose we can also call you a "Blogger". But of course, your turd of a blog has a grand readership of half a person a day, because someone once told you (the biggest of the soccer kids) that how much of a person you are is measured by your penis size. (By virtue of the wise soccer kid, girls are measured by boobies)"
Typical of Wendy--she just can't seem to state a simple point without hurling abuses and sounding like a complete turd. But what she's trying to say is this: just because you "blog", that doesn't immediately make you a "blogger". Rather, it all depends on how good or "famous" you are in the blogsphere.
In short, it runs along the lines of "I'm the old bird around here, so don't play play with me." =)
I agree she has a valid point about what defines a swimmer, especially if you consider swimming on a professional level, with the same applying to footballers and people in almost every professional trade. You don't call someone a doctor or engineer unless he's qualified.
But then, let's consider the following:
If John plays games a lot, that makes John a "gamer". Likewise, if someone loves to surf, you might call him a "surfer dude". These people take their hobbies seriously, but they're not "professionals" in these areas. And they may not be famous--or even an expert--but so what?
When you pursue a hobby, it's how passionate you are that matters, not how successful. And since blogging falls under this category, anyone who owns a weblog and faithful updates it is very much a blogger. Yes, you can try to make a living out of it, but that only makes you a "professional blogger"; it doesn't make others anything less.
So what if no one reads Lumpy's blog even though he tries to update it everyday. He's still "Lumpy the blogger"--he just isn't "Lumpy that famous blogger.
Oh, if Zoe Tay decides to start her own blog, that'll make her a blogger too. And just because she's already a famous TCS artiste doesn't mean she can't make a good one too. =)
Imagine the irony: you have your very own blog, hosted on a service known as BLOGGER, yet--according to Wendy--you're not a blogger because, unlike her, you're not famous/infamous. You're just another loser who happens to have a blog, that's all....
Wendy thinks blogging is a God given talent that only she and a few others have. The way I see it, I hardly even call it a skill, let alone a talent, especially when even an Internet novice can have his or her own blog set up in a matter of minutes. Besides, how talented can a certain "famous blogger" be if she can't manage HTML well, can't do her own design, can't set up her own weblog engine, and can't argue rationally both on TV and on her own blog.
There's no such thing as a talent for blogging. There's only a talent for writing and using weblog technologies to maximise that potential. Maybe Wendy had a bit of that when she first started (again, a huge maybe), but apparently she's now lost it. Not to mention she's lost the plot as well.
"At first glance my opinion seems to be arrogant; bitchy even. I seem to be thinking that she is not worthy to be termed as a "blogger", just as I am often termed.
No offence to all famous bloggers, including myself, but without your blog, you will be possibly be nobody (famous). And that's why you are known as "that famous blogger". "
Well, some of the world's most famous bloggers have distinguished themselves in other areas, by the way. Cory Doctorow, who was here for the Singapore Writers Festival, is also a sci-fi writer and journalist (besides being a famous blogger himself). Others who run popular blogs don't enjoy celebrity status in real life, but they have successful careers and enjoy high standing in their professional circles (college professors, tech industry veterans).
Wendy might be nothing without her blog, but just because it's true for her doesn't mean it's true for "all famous bloggers".
If you ask me, Wendy clearly has every right to be upset at being misquoted by The New Paper, but why get so defensive and worked up over what a blogger is and isn't? Unless her detractors are right--that she's not happy that a fellow blogger has upstaged the self-proclaimed queen of blogsphere, and worry that this is just the start?
Hmm... If you ask me, it's kind of like those journalists who lash out at bloggers simply because they feel threatened by this new crop of "amateur" writers. =)
nb: What's Wendy's obesssion with numbers anyway? She can't seem to stop reminding people that she aced her PSLE with 269 and has a high IQ of over 148.... When will she get the point that a PSLE score of 269 means diddly-squat to a 21-year-old; an IQ of over 148 matters little if she can't even show an ounce of intelligence to save her butt; and 20,000 hits per day is nothing to boast about when she can't gauge the quality of her readers (a porn site can easily surpass that figure, but that doesn't say much about its content).
Wendy, however, disagrees. And after being quoted out of context by The New Paper, she is determined to give her own definition of the term "blogger":
"And what is with this bullshit about "she has a blog and thus she is a blogger"?
ARE YOU STUPID OR WHAT? YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW PEOPLE WHO HAVE BLOGS ARE BLOGGERS? Stop quoting my panasonic entry about me saying she is a blogger, asswipe, like you are so clever. Are you ugly? You must be. Now my blog entries feel disgustingly raped by your rampant perusal.
Everyone who blogs is a blogger? If you are so clever, then answer me... But first tell me your name. Is it Lumpy? So Lumpy, if you can manage to swim half a lap without dying, is it right for me to call you "Lumpy the swimmer"?
No, because calling you Lumpy the Guy-Who-Fucked-His-Cabbage-Patch-Kid-Doll would be a little more appropriate as a the defining title for you...
Lumpy, of course, since you are so mediocre (by mediocre I mean scum of society), if you blog, I suppose we can also call you a "Blogger". But of course, your turd of a blog has a grand readership of half a person a day, because someone once told you (the biggest of the soccer kids) that how much of a person you are is measured by your penis size. (By virtue of the wise soccer kid, girls are measured by boobies)"
Typical of Wendy--she just can't seem to state a simple point without hurling abuses and sounding like a complete turd. But what she's trying to say is this: just because you "blog", that doesn't immediately make you a "blogger". Rather, it all depends on how good or "famous" you are in the blogsphere.
In short, it runs along the lines of "I'm the old bird around here, so don't play play with me." =)
I agree she has a valid point about what defines a swimmer, especially if you consider swimming on a professional level, with the same applying to footballers and people in almost every professional trade. You don't call someone a doctor or engineer unless he's qualified.
But then, let's consider the following:
If John plays games a lot, that makes John a "gamer". Likewise, if someone loves to surf, you might call him a "surfer dude". These people take their hobbies seriously, but they're not "professionals" in these areas. And they may not be famous--or even an expert--but so what?
When you pursue a hobby, it's how passionate you are that matters, not how successful. And since blogging falls under this category, anyone who owns a weblog and faithful updates it is very much a blogger. Yes, you can try to make a living out of it, but that only makes you a "professional blogger"; it doesn't make others anything less.
So what if no one reads Lumpy's blog even though he tries to update it everyday. He's still "Lumpy the blogger"--he just isn't "Lumpy that famous blogger.
Oh, if Zoe Tay decides to start her own blog, that'll make her a blogger too. And just because she's already a famous TCS artiste doesn't mean she can't make a good one too. =)
Imagine the irony: you have your very own blog, hosted on a service known as BLOGGER, yet--according to Wendy--you're not a blogger because, unlike her, you're not famous/infamous. You're just another loser who happens to have a blog, that's all....
Wendy thinks blogging is a God given talent that only she and a few others have. The way I see it, I hardly even call it a skill, let alone a talent, especially when even an Internet novice can have his or her own blog set up in a matter of minutes. Besides, how talented can a certain "famous blogger" be if she can't manage HTML well, can't do her own design, can't set up her own weblog engine, and can't argue rationally both on TV and on her own blog.
There's no such thing as a talent for blogging. There's only a talent for writing and using weblog technologies to maximise that potential. Maybe Wendy had a bit of that when she first started (again, a huge maybe), but apparently she's now lost it. Not to mention she's lost the plot as well.
"At first glance my opinion seems to be arrogant; bitchy even. I seem to be thinking that she is not worthy to be termed as a "blogger", just as I am often termed.
No offence to all famous bloggers, including myself, but without your blog, you will be possibly be nobody (famous). And that's why you are known as "that famous blogger". "
Well, some of the world's most famous bloggers have distinguished themselves in other areas, by the way. Cory Doctorow, who was here for the Singapore Writers Festival, is also a sci-fi writer and journalist (besides being a famous blogger himself). Others who run popular blogs don't enjoy celebrity status in real life, but they have successful careers and enjoy high standing in their professional circles (college professors, tech industry veterans).
Wendy might be nothing without her blog, but just because it's true for her doesn't mean it's true for "all famous bloggers".
If you ask me, Wendy clearly has every right to be upset at being misquoted by The New Paper, but why get so defensive and worked up over what a blogger is and isn't? Unless her detractors are right--that she's not happy that a fellow blogger has upstaged the self-proclaimed queen of blogsphere, and worry that this is just the start?
Hmm... If you ask me, it's kind of like those journalists who lash out at bloggers simply because they feel threatened by this new crop of "amateur" writers. =)
nb: What's Wendy's obesssion with numbers anyway? She can't seem to stop reminding people that she aced her PSLE with 269 and has a high IQ of over 148.... When will she get the point that a PSLE score of 269 means diddly-squat to a 21-year-old; an IQ of over 148 matters little if she can't even show an ounce of intelligence to save her butt; and 20,000 hits per day is nothing to boast about when she can't gauge the quality of her readers (a porn site can easily surpass that figure, but that doesn't say much about its content).
At Samstag, November 12, 2005 4:41:00 PM,
Anonym said…
The term "blogger" is being equivocated. You make a couple of good points--unfortunately, they don't cut against hers for this reason.
While I suspect that the case to be made for selective labelling is going to be pretty flimsy, it's not obvious that she's wrong either.
At Samstag, November 12, 2005 5:30:00 PM,
Candyfeehily said…
i think she was just upset that the newspaper misquote her hence make it bad to her relationship wif dawn yang. The whole post seems to be saying that dawn yang is more famous than just a blogger hence her title as a "blogger" do not do her enough justice.
At Samstag, November 12, 2005 5:34:00 PM,
Anonym said…
Isn't it ironic that Jeremy Au misquoted the two handicapped associations too. They obviously don't support her stand, and they even wrote to the straits times forum denying they did. But his article misrepresented them and made them seem like they supported her post.
Oh how the tables are turned.
At Samstag, November 12, 2005 5:57:00 PM,
Anonym said…
i find the whole definition of whats a blogger and whats not really silly. lmfao.
At Samstag, November 12, 2005 7:03:00 PM,
Anonym said…
before you hit this link, I should warn you to turn off images on your browser, or you'd have to live through some really nasty pictures.
do a ctrl-f and search for "clapbangkiss" and you'll find this paragraph
"We were just sitting around, then I nudged Joel in the ribs rather excitably coz I saw this blogger whom I think is very pretty! We said hi and I asked her to take a photo... I don't know if she wants me to link her, so I can tell you her nickname is clapbangkiss and you can go google yourself..."
So in August, miss XX thinks clapbangkiss is a blogger, but in November she doesn't?
I find this pretty sad, when SGP got famous and coverage for her nippular post, miss XX got all huffy and puffy too, here she goes again... I'm guessing she really has a bad case of the green-eyed-monster. She simply cannot handle other people stealing her limelight. Even WHEN they are smarter, write better (SPG) and prettier(CBK) than her.
You might say, when I continue reading XX's blog? I liken it to seeing a car accident. I know it's bad, it's gross, and prolly fatal, but I just can't seem to turn my eyes away. Plus, reading her blog makes me feel smarter, kinder and more mature than I should be allowed to.
At Samstag, November 12, 2005 7:05:00 PM,
Anonym said…
This line "You might say, when I continue reading XX's blog?"
should be
"You might say, why do I continue reading XX's blog"
At Samstag, November 12, 2005 9:21:00 PM,
Anonym said…
Simply, a blogger is a person who blogs. =)
At Sonntag, November 13, 2005 3:44:00 AM,
simplesandra said…
da candy wrote: "i think she was just upset that the newspaper misquote her hence make it bad to her relationship wif dawn yang."
Most of us thought so too. Why can't she simply just state the obvious and let it be--instead of getting all nasty with this "lumpy" nonsense?
I don't think Wendy is antagonising Dawn. Still, I do feel that Wendy does have her own interests at heart by making it clear that Dawn's fame has little to do with bloggnig (Wendy's domain), as well as insisting that the term "blogger" is more exclusive than what it is.
Sort of like drawing the dividing line, so to speak? =)
At Sonntag, November 13, 2005 1:32:00 PM,
Candyfeehily said…
er, blogger!!! what the hell it is anyway! ~_~!
At Sonntag, November 13, 2005 6:49:00 PM,
Anonym said…
a said...
The term "blogger" is being equivocated. You make a couple of good points--unfortunately, they don't cut against hers for this reason.
C'om, everyone knows a blogger is someone who keeps a blog. It's XX who's trying to complicate things.
At Montag, November 14, 2005 2:03:00 AM,
Anonym said…
i like your stance on the dawn yeo controversy
At Montag, November 14, 2005 10:19:00 AM,
Chuang Shyue Chou said…
Great piece on XX! At last, perspective!
At Montag, November 14, 2005 2:21:00 PM,
Tan Kok Seng said…
Totally agree with Sandra. Besides, I'm pretty sure the majority of bloggers don't do it for any sort of fame or to get a corporate banner ad deal...
I'm fine with half a reader a day, as long as that half a reader enjoys the visit. (Might be hard to do with half a brain, though.)
At Montag, November 14, 2005 2:45:00 PM,
Anonym said…
>C'om, everyone knows a blogger is someone who keeps a blog.
She knows that too.
>It's XX who's trying to complicate things.
That's right. She doesn't use "blogger" in the same sense as everyone does. She can call herself a Schmoggler if she likes--it doesn't matter. What matters is the referent that's picked out by her label--and that is something other that our referent for "blogger".
So grant her her definition, and attack her argument using that definition. You'll be talking past each other otherwise. And as far as I can tell, Ms Sandra hasn't done that. Again, while the points Sandra raises have merit, they're not addressing what XX's saying.
At Montag, November 14, 2005 5:06:00 PM,
simplesandra said…
a wrote: "What matters is the referent that's picked out by her label--and that is something other that our referent for "blogger"....You'll be talking past each other otherwise"
You can talk sense and you'll still be talking past her. =)
If Wendy wants to invent a new term for herself (like the moronic-sounding "blog-duh!" she coined for her readers), I'm fine with that.
I know what she's getting at--I just don't like her little exercise in self-importance at the expense of other bloggers.
Besides, these are her words, not mine:
"And what is with this bullshit about "she has a blog and thus she is a blogger"
Everyone who blogs is a blogger?
if you blog, I suppose we can also call you a "Blogger". But of course, your turd of a blog has a grand readership of half a person a day..."
Maybe Wendy should make up her mind first before opening her mouth. If she carries on like this, then I think she really does deserve a unique title. A title fit for a legend.
Shall I suggest, "blooger"? =)
At Montag, November 14, 2005 7:56:00 PM,
Anonym said…
>You can talk sense and you'll still be talking past her. =)
True, but talking sense with her has never been at the top of my priorities. I'm more interested in (the truth of) the message than the medium.
You, on the other hand, seem to be more inclined towards clarity of thought. Which is why I pointed out what I did.
Regardless, there are too many issues convoluted in this XX-vs.-Whomever debacle, none of which even granting that they're brought to light will make any difference to her agenda. Her popularity is based on a lot more than her ability to "make sense"--as I'm sure you realise.
I seriously doubt that most people really want her to see the alleged error of her ways and transform her into a wholesome, respectable pillar of society--not least because it's so much fun to put people down and feel good about oneself in the process--but I'll salute your fastidiousness if you do aim for the former. I just wouldn't advocate holding your breath.
At Dienstag, November 15, 2005 1:29:00 PM,
Jackie Helena Gay said…
I think xx takes blogging too seriously. Take blogging away from her and...that's it. She's all about blogging. Without blogging, she might even be...nothing?! So her response is therefore jealousy.
At Dienstag, November 15, 2005 3:55:00 PM,
A said…
What xiaxue is trying to say is that Dawn did not get famous by blogging and therefore should not be known as a blogger. If Sharon Au played soccer would you call her "Sharon Au the soccer player"? NO. Coz she got famous by acting.
At Dienstag, November 15, 2005 4:49:00 PM,
Anonym said…
>If Sharon Au played soccer would you call her "Sharon Au the soccer player"?
But a soccer player is a job title, while blogging is a lifestyle.
At Sonntag, November 20, 2005 10:19:00 PM,
Anonym said…
all of you are just plain DUMB DUMB DUMB!!! hypocritically neutral idiots that just diss xiaxue because it's the in-thing. do you even bother to think about what she's writing? SHEESH! now i understand why xiaxue gets so frustrated. because all of you are so incredibly STUPID!!! waKe up please.
At Montag, Dezember 19, 2005 3:48:00 PM,
Underdogs 22 said…
u know wad? I like you. At least i am not the only one who think miss wendy cheng is a dumb-as-a-brick girl who loves to run her mouth. yay! thank god for ppl who can see the bigger picture of this auntie self proclaimed country critic and wad so ever - miss-i-am-so-clever-but-yet-a-moron-in-the-making.
At Montag, April 10, 2006 6:43:00 AM,
Anonym said…
See the lines you quote here are exactly why i read her blog, it's just so funny. Offcoarse it is completely overacted, but i think she knows that herself right? As you say yourself: -If you ask me, Wendy clearly has every right to be upset at being misquoted by The New Paper, but why get so defensive and worked up over what a blogger is and isn't?- well, she has every right to do so, and she does it in her own overacting, arrogant, funny way... Just let her be! If you can't write a real intellectual blog, then be like wendy and don't try to, but don't write these pseudointellectual bullshit. It's not interesting, nor entertaining, so I'm getting back at xx's blog, or something intellectual that actually has a point...
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